Monday, May 6, 2013

some organizing trick i do in the art room

 organization.....always a struggle but always worth it!
remember ....failure to plan is plan to fail. - art of ed quote i adore and has saved me and she has awesome organizing ideas.
i have 80 students pre-k to 8 so a wide range but not overwhelming.
i share the space with the other creative specials - music and yoga - and meeting space!
so quick set up and quick tear down really is important!

 here's a couple little things i do:
1)- i ordered tent mirrors for selfies - and these have been a class saver! i posts lists - examples - references - and of course awesome for self portraits!
2) - oil pastels - soft pastels - crayons - chalk - erasers -  so yummy and crazy to organize! blick has some awesome organizers - but my budget is more the dollar store - i used silverware drawer bins and makeup trays - perfect!
3) - for classes over 10 - i'll often put the supplies in plastic cups already sorted for each artists ! less time gathering = more time creating!

 4) DISPOSABLE MUFFIN TINS-they come with plastic covers - 3 to a pack - use them over and over!!! beside paint i have had drawing stubs - glitter - used them as mixing pallets you get the idea

 5) little cups - you know these - for water, samples - think costco or drinking fountains...i got mine at starbucks - for free - because starbucks rocks!
 i like using these for supplying small amounts of paint - it is a sanity creator! not nearly as much wasted paint or glue and small size for small hands - yay!
 6) one bin for one item - grab and go - no hunting - i have many labeled so tables or groups or individual student can be self-directed and get supplies themselves

7) and since i share with teachers - easy to retrieve! these supplies aren't just for art - if i need something for a special project i'll put a note on it - but my small private school allowed me to order paint and paper for the whole site -
8) and sometimes things end up like this and it's just ok....just cannot achieve perfection in all these - flexibility is ok - some disarray just laugh about it and take a picture and send it to me!!!!

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