Monday, May 6, 2013

yup - we did the positive/negative space lesson! as a standard  for my upper elementary artists- and focused on robert indiana and his iconic love art and stamp. i started with keynote show - always a hit - that i found here.

here's what we did:
1. we watched the awesome powerpoint - i have keynote - and discussed typography and fonts - they loved this discussion and these art talks are just so valuable - to see a thing is different than to speak of a thing or create a thing - all are important!

2. we looked at many examples of positive/negative space and identified them - and many examples of robert indiana art and bio info.

3. then i did 2 or 3 examples of the cut paper method = two colors - contrasting or complimentary - on top of each other - and then cut! directions were to cut either an abstract, tesselation, or object.

4. then they had to pick a different color to mount,  results rocked!

follow up was a robert indiana word lesson....upcoming!

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